
TymeX is a branch in Vietnam from GoTyme Bank, the multi-country digital banking app utilizing next-gen technology to build and scale rapidly across the globe.

Project Overview

Role: UX Writing Intern

Tools: Figma, Figjam, Confluence

Duration: 4 months (Nov 2023 - Mar 2024)

Team: UX Writers, Product Designers

During a 4-month period as a UX Writing Intern at TymeX, I worked alongside UX Writers and Product Designers on a variety of tasks, including...

Content Audit

Led by the Senior UX Writer, I conducted a comprehensive audit of over 15 GoTyme Bank's app features. This involved evaluating error messages, success states, and button copies, along with relevant design elements. My analysis identified inconsistencies and enabled the creation of reusable components, improving overall design efficiency.

UX Copywriting

I was also working on writing short copies for some parts of the GoRewards Points. To create most impactful short copies for the feature, I drafted several variations and sought feedback from the Senior UX Writer. This iterative process helped me improve the copies' effectiveness.

GoRewards Points < 1 (Initial Version: Points = 0)

Pay and Earn (More Descriptive)

Error Message - Points Deducted

Error Message - Dormant

Error Message - Insufficient Points

Localization / Translation

Localization was also a part of UX Writing. It was not simply about translating from English to Vietnamese, but also knowing how Vietnamese users can intuitively understand and navigate through the application. Thus, besides the translation, I also conducted some research on how Vietnamese terms can be different from English ones, as many cases were not possible to translate directly.

The following are some of the examples of the localization.

Cash Deposit and Withdrawal

Debit Card Management


Loyalty Rewards


Capstone Research

Besides the tasks that I mentioned above, I also conducted research for my UX Writing Internship Capstone, with the guidance of the Senior UX Writer. The purposes of the Capstone were studying the languages used in the core feature labels of Vietnam's top consumer banking apps, and identifying UX Writing considerations for later stages.

◼ Conducted research on which banking apps in Vietnam are on top with three criteria such as financial capability, media reputation, and survey results.

◼ Analyzed the information architecture (IA) of top Vietnamese banking apps, focusing on their use of labels.

◼ Analyzed the terminology used by the leading banking apps to identify any differences with GoTyme Bank.

◼ Synthesis from the insights of my translation work

◼ Insights from the Capstone


Even though I had explored User Experience for a while, there were still many interesting aspects to learn, especially giving the fact that UX Writing was pretty new to me. From this opportunity, I learned that:

◼ There was a lot of UX Research in UX Writing, since we needed to understand how different terms influence user interactions.

◼ Always consider user perspectives when writing copies.

◼ It was not always necessary to write different alternatives to find the best copies, sometimes only one or two is enough.

Additionally, this internship was my first opportunity to work in a fast-paced large corporation, so there were a lot more meetings and collaborations than the experiences that I had before. With the chance, I was able to learn how to communicate with the team more efficiently (both in-person and remote), and ask better questions to clarify and have a better picture of what I should do.

Finally, public speaking has always been a hurdle for me, and my capstone presentation was no exception. However, I saw it as an opportunity to conquer my nerves and share my valuable research and insights. This experience reinforced the importance of challenging myself, as it's a powerful tool for personal growth.

If you're interested in, feel free to check out one of my other projects below: